To ensure a successful fishing expedition, it is crucial to have a good understanding of the appropriate baits for each type of fish. In the natural world, each species possesses distinct characteristics and is naturally drawn to specific prey. Consequently, using baits that mimic these realities or closely resemble the natural prey can make a world of difference.

Discover how the use of natural baits can significantly enhance your fishing experience in the following article, and explore some indispensable examples available at your fishing supply store. Happy reading!

The importance of the right bait in fishing

When it comes to fishing, having the right equipment is essential. Similarly, the same level of attention must be given to the selection of baits for different types of fish, as each species has its unique traits. Additionally, the fishing environment also plays a crucial role in the choice of bait. For instance, saltwater baits may not yield the same effectiveness in freshwater settings.

Natural X artificial lures

When it comes to baits, a common question arises: natural or artificial baits? Artificial baits offer the advantage of convenience, but since they lack life-like qualities, fishermen must pay close attention to simulating movements to attract fish.

Natural baits, on the other hand, need to be acquired and well stored, but they also offer several advantages:

  • they are natural and do not need motion simulation;
  • they are common prey and attract fish more easily;
  • they give off their characteristic scent that helps to hook the fish.

Some common examples are:

  • Worms: Ideal for both fresh and saltwater fishing, including beach worms.
  • Crank: A versatile freshwater bait suitable for both predatory and non-predatory species.
  • Shrimp: Effective in both freshwater and saltwater, capable of attracting a wide range of species.
  • Squid: Well-suited for beach fishing, with the advantage of staying securely on the hook.
baits for each type of fish

Sardine tied to the hook

The main baits for each type of fish

For those who opt for natural baits, aside from proper preservation, it is crucial to select the most suitable types for the fish species they intend to catch. Below, you’ll find examples of different fish species and their respective bait choices.


Corvina, also known as hake, can be found in both saltwater and freshwater environments. In freshwater, they inhabit the Araguaia and Paraná river basins, as well as the Amazon and some locations in the northeast.

For saltwater fishing, shrimp proves to be an excellent bait option. In freshwater settings, sardines can be a great choice. In this case, sardines can be used whole, or you can opt for just the tail or the head. If used in pieces, be sure to secure them with elastricot to prevent them from slipping off the hook.


The boyfriend is a type of saltwater fish commonly found in tropical regions. As it primarily feeds on crustaceans, ideal baits for this species include shrimp and armadillo, although beach worms can also be effective.

For frozen shrimp, you can thread it onto the fishing line to release its scent. In beach fishing, it’s advisable to use the species of shrimp that naturally resides in that habitat. When it comes to armadillo bait, it can be used either alive or dead, with the crustacean’s shell removed.


Native to the Prata basin, the dorado inhabits rivers and their tributaries. Highly esteemed for its size and beauty, this predatory fish primarily preys on small fish. Suitable baits for dorado include lambari and tuvira. Tuvira, widely used in the Pantanal, is an excellent choice for targeting noble fish. Another option for dorado is to use minhocuçu.

In addition to having the right fishing accessories, it is equally important to possess the best baits tailored to each fish species. After all, each fish species has its own unique habitat and characteristics. Consequently, baits suitable for freshwater fishing may not be effective for saltwater species.

Therefore, conducting research and diversifying your bait selection is a wise approach.

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